1 hour Healing Touch Session/$55.
Long-distance healing touch is also effective / $55 for 1-hour session.
Healing touch is derived from the ancient "Laying On Of Hands."
Sessions last approximately 1-hour and the subject remains fully
clothed. Healing Touch is an energy-based therapy which will:
· Create deep-level relaxation.
· Relieve tension and stress in the body.
· Clear the mind and soothe the spirit.
· Accelerate wound healing.
· Relieve both physical and emotional pain.
· Clear the energy field of obstructions thereby facilitating healing.
· Restores balance and harmony to the human energy system.
The sequence of techniques offered are:
·1 - 2 Full body Chakra Connection Sessions
·Opens Chakras and balances the energy field to the body
·1 or more Chelation treatments clear and balance 4 levels of the energy field.
·1 or more Magnetic Unruffling Sessions
·Clearing resistant trauma and debris out of the energy field.
·1 or more Emotional Stress Release Sessions
·Focusing on a specific issue for resolve, balance and emotional cleansing.